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Showing posts with label online health tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label online health tips. Show all posts

What Affects Cancer?

Written By Unknown on Thursday, November 15, 2012 | 1:53 AM

Our best defense against cancer is prevention: keeping ourselves as healthy as possible and eating foods that have been shown to help protect our bodies.

fruit cancer Cancer prevention is the holy grail of medical research. Students in medical school dream of finding a cure, scientists hope their work will provide the foundation for the one true end of this disease, and patients and family members pray for a future without cancer. Until that grand discovery, we will have to count on the wisdom of our bodies. Healthy immune systems work hard to spot and eliminate cancerous cellular mutations before the disease can begin its wild, uncontrolled growth. Prevention, then, is all about keeping ourselves as healthy as possible and eating the kinds of foods that have been shown to help protect us — right down to our cells.

How Food Affects Cancer

Eating for cancer prevention depends on knowing which foods can damage body cells and which foods can protect cells from damage.

fruit for cancer I’ve heard people say that they believe cancer is unavoidable It’s true that we inherit a tendency to develop certain cancers, but scientists estimate that only about 5 percent of all cancers have a genetic origin. On the other hand, about 35 percent of cancers are related to nutritional factors. (To fill in the numbers, about 30 percent of cancers are thought to be related to tobacco use, and the remaining 30 percent are attributed to all remaining factors, including bacterial and viral infections, pollution, radiation, and occupational hazards.) Some foods can damage body cells, setting them up for precancerous changes, while other foods protect cells from damage. Cancer prevention depends on knowing the difference.

Look Years Younger With These 4 Foods

Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes are a dynamite source of beta-carotene (their bright orange color is a dead giveaway). Your body converts beta-carotene to vitamin A, a nutrient that helps to continually generate new, healthy skin cells. I like to turn sweet potatoes into crispy oven-baked french fries: Cut peeled potatoes into ¼-inch strips and spread them in a single layer on a baking sheet coated with oil spray. Mist the fries with oil spray and season with salt, black pepper, or any other seasonings (ground cinnamon, curry powder, and chili powder are all fun options). Bake in a 400° oven for 20 minutes, flipping the fries halfway through. Finish your fries under the broiler for 5 minutes to get them extra crispy!

Sweet potatoes, Healthy Skin, Food Cures

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8 Foods for Gorgeous Skin

Written By Unknown on Wednesday, November 14, 2012 | 1:45 AM

Tropical Fruit
Eating guava, pineapple, papaya, kiwi, and other tropical fruits that contain vitamin C will help defend your skin against damaging free radicals. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that is naturally found in the skin, so eating tropical fruits and other vitamin C–rich foods can replenish your skin's stores. Vitamin C also helps your body produce collagen, a protein that helps keep your skin firm and elastic. 

tropical fruit, healthy skin, Food cures,

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Food Cures for Healthy Skin

Who doesn't want beautiful, healthy skin? From signs of aging to acne, we all have our concerns when it comes to the face we show the world. Luckily, the same Food Cures for your body will also help nourish your skin from the inside out.

eating for healthy skin, food cures WHAT AFFECTS SKIN HEALTH?
In the search for more beautiful skin, the two most common concerns are acne and wrinkles. Acne happens when hair follicles (sometimes called pores) become blocked with natural oils. If the pore is open to the air, the clog will appear as a blackhead. But if oil is trapped below the surface of the skin, it provides a nice little breeding ground for bacteria, leading to pimples — skin eruptions that can look red and inflamed. Because hormones affect how much oil your skin produces, acne is more likely to flare up during times of hormonal upheaval, including adolescence, pregnancy, and premenstrual weeks, as well as times of stress.

Dangerous Foods for Diabetes

Pancakes and Syrup
A plate of pancakes with syrup is a total carb explosion and one of the absolute worst breakfast choices for someone with diabetes. Most pancakes are jumbo-sized and made with junky white flour, so downing a stack of three large flapjacks can be the equivalent of eating seven slices of white bread! Of course, the toppings make matters worse. Butter is loaded with artery-clogging saturated fat, and a typical half-cup pour of gooey pancake syrup adds 16 teaspoons of straight sugar to your breakfast! This starch-and-sugar overload will send your blood sugars into a tailspin (not to mention, help you pack on the pounds). Next time you're at a diner, bypass the pancakes and instead order a low-carb, protein-rich egg white omelet stuffed with vegetables.

pancake and syrup

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Written By Unknown on Monday, November 12, 2012 | 10:26 PM

Cataracts are a condition in which the lens of the eye becomes  cloudy. It becomes difficult to focus on objects and things seem dark to the person. The whitish appearance indicates a change in the lens fibers. It is similar to the change in color of an egg white when it is cooked.
Symptoms – Progressive loss of vision, no pain but some sensitivity to light. Sometimes you can see a radiance around points of light.
The Most common causes
a. Diabetes and the combination of drinking large quantities of milk and not being able to process galactose which is a sugar abundant in milk.
b. Deposits of calcium and cholesterol in the capillaries of the eyes which reduce blood circulation to the eyes.

Health And Fitness – Healing Herbs – Cranberry

This herb helps tired and irritated eyes, as well as vision. Tea made from the leaves acts as a tranquilizer  or sedative and helps against insomnia, anxiety and reduces blood pressure.
It is used for stopping muscle spasms from asthma and epilepsy as well as relieving irritated intestines. In compresses,  it helps heal minor burns and skin irritations.


It seems an apple a day really does keep the doctor away.
A program that delivers fresh fruit to the village of Baryugil, near Grafton, is restoring the hearing of local schoolchildren.
Dr Ray Jones says a daily dose of vitamin C has slashed the rate of ear infections in the Clarence Valley community.
He says the program should be expanded to other remote communities around the country.
“We’ve had funding from the Federal Government to keep the program going in our communities and expand it over the years to the state where it’s a quite successful program now and quite a big program,” Dr Jones said.
“But it needs to be extended to other communities around Australia., because my research showed that it improved children’s health dramatically.”
Courtesy : ABC News

Health Tips – The Inside Scoop on Supplements

The Inside scoop on supplements
In a supplement, calcium is combined with a chemical compound, either carbonate, citrate, gluconate or lactate. Before choosing one, beware of these potential pitfalls.
a. Calcium carbonate,  the most common form of calcium supplement, may cause constipation or gas and is difficult  to absorb if it is not taken with a meal.
b. Calcium citrate which promotes iron absorption and is the easiest form to digest, does not provide a lot of actual calcium. Calcium lactate and calcium glucomate provide even less. It may take several pills to get 500mg of calcium.
c. Higher doses of calcium ( 1500 mg or more ) may limit zinc and iron absorption.
d. Supplements made from bonemeal, dolomite and oyster shell may contain a very small amount of lead. Experts agree, however that the benefits of supplements far outweigh the risks of lead exposure.


Health Tips – BULIMIA

Written By Unknown on Sunday, November 11, 2012 | 10:16 PM

Bulimia is a psychological illness where a person forces himself to throw up food they have eaten. It is common on people who are worried about being overweight, want to become thin and have accustomed themselves to throwing up after eating.
Great Hunger ; The Desire to eat many times during the day, and self justification by vomiting after each meal. This then produces the hunger again.
The Known cases; Psychological in origin, normally occurring in weight conscious people who want to become thin.
Suggested Treatment ; These people need psychological help, since generally they are people obsessed with not being fat.
Warning : If you have gotten so thin that your hair is falling out or have gotten anemia, consult your physician. 

Health Tips – Ears & Infections – How to Eliminate Earwax

The ear is composed of 3 areas.
The outer ear which is the visible part of the ear plus the auditory duct that ends at the tympanic membrane.
The middle ear which is formed by 3 small bones that transmit the sound form the tympanum.
The inner ear which changes the sound waves to nerve impulses that go to the brain. The labyrinth which is responsible for the bodys equilibrum is found there.

Type 2 Diabetes : Diabetes Can be reduced by Taking Multivitamins

Diabetes affects millions of People, and People have an elevated risk of getting infections as well as other diabetes related problems. But now there is some good news for diabetes patients: Recently research focus that a daily multivitamin may be very beneficial for the Diabetic Patients. Multivitamins Normally Found in Food and in Natural Source.
People with type 2 diabetes:  (the most common form of diabetes), when  our body doesn’t produce enough insulin and It’s  is not effectively transferring sugar from the blood to the cells in our body. The sugar level that is too high can negatively affect body parts that  include heart and eyes. So if you have type 2 diabetes, taking a multivitamin on a daily basis can potentially ward off diabetes related problems.


Herpes Simplex I and II

There are 5 types of herpes. herpes I and II are the most common.  Herpes is a virus which enters into the live cells, re-programming them to work for this virus. In some occasions, the virus can remain dormant but when the persons immune system becomes weak, the virus becomes active and starts affecting the body.

Breast Cancer: There are mainly Two Types of Breast Cancer as known

Breast cancer is the most common cancer  all over  the World.  Over  76,000 women get breast cancer in the world each year. Most of them (8 out of 10) are over 50 years of age, but younger women  and in rare cases men, can also get breast cancer.
There are several different types of breast cancer, that could develop in different parts of the breast. Breast cancer is often divided into two Parts.
1.            Non-invasive Types
2.            Invasive Types
Invasive Types : This type of  breast cancer has the ability to spread outside the breast, although this does’t mean it necessarily  spreads. This  form of breast cancer is invasive Ductal breast cancer, which Create in the cells that line the ducts in the breast.  Invasive  ductal breast cancer accounts for about 80% of all cases of breast cancer and is also called ‘no special type’.


Written By Unknown on Saturday, November 10, 2012 | 11:08 AM

YOGA brings not only a suppleness to the body but also a sense of spiritual and physical well-being to those who practice it.  Live and breath the Philosophy of a natural life.  Yoga is actually a state of mind. Achieving the goal of stilling the mind is a tall order. Practises have been developed that allow one to move towards this state.


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The Yoga sutra describes yoga as consisting of eight limbs. While the doorway into yoga for many these days is through the body by working with asanas, It is only one method. One may find oneself drawn to explore the remaining limbs as ones practice  progresses.
YAMA    Moral Restraint
NIYAMA  Rule or Law
ASANAS   Purification
PRANAYAMA  Control of the Breath
PRATYAHARA   Withdrawal of the senses.
DHARANA  Concentration of the Mind.
DHYANA  Meditation.
SAMADHI  Illuminated state of absorption with the absolute.

eight limbs yoga

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triangle pose



half moon pose yoga

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Broga is founded on the belief that millions of men could live happier, healthier, more fulfilling, injury-free, self-aware, and (maybe even) longer lives if they incorporated yoga into their current health and wellness regime

broga yoga

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