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Showing posts with label HPV. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HPV. Show all posts

7 Tips to Prevent and Understand Cervical Cancer and HPV

Written By Unknown on Monday, October 29, 2012 | 2:05 AM

1. HPV is a very common virus that causes cervical cancer.
HPV stands for human papillomavirus—-a sexually transmitted infection that almost every woman will get at some point in her life. Certain types of HPV can cause harmful cell changes in a woman’s cervix. If these cell changes are not treated, cervical cancer may develop.
2. If I have HPV, will I definitely get cervical cancer? No!
Although most women will get HPV at least once during their lives, few women will get cervical cancer. Most women’s bodies will fight off the virus before it causes any problems.You have a greater chance of developing cervical cancer if you have HPV for many years because your body has not fought off the virus.
Cervical cancer-hpv

Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN)

What is CIN?

CIN is caused by the persistent infection of high-risk HPV subtypes. It is not a cancer but a 'preinvasive' disease, in which a group of malignant cells (called a lesion) has formed but has not yet invaded surrounding tissues and other parts of the body. In the name 'Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia', 'neoplasia' indicates an abnormal growth, and 'intraepithelial' indicates the position of the growth in between layers of cell tissue.
CIN is usually categorized into grades which signify the proportion of abnormal to normal cells and correlates to the risk of progression to invasive cancer. Grade 1 signifies a low risk of cancer: most low grade CINs resolve themselves within a relatively short space of time. However, grades 2 and 3 imply a greater proportion of abnormal cells and a higher probability of eventual cancer.

Human papilloma virus

The smear test aims to detect any changes in the cells that line the cervix that could be caused by a human papilloma virus (HPV). HPV is very common.
Regular cervical screening is very effective in detecting cell changes at an early stage when treatment is straight forward, and in many cases the immune system will deal with the virus before it is even detected. However, if a virus is allowed to persist, it can lead to serious infection, and even, eventually, to cancer.

Cervical Cancer

Written By Unknown on Tuesday, October 23, 2012 | 2:10 AM

Do You Know, Causes of Cervical Cancer is caused by a viral infection with HPV (human papillomavirus) or human papilloma virus. HPV causes warts in both men and women, including genital warts in, called condyloma akuminatum. Only some of the hundreds of variants of HPV that can cause cancer. Cervical cancer or cervical cancer can occur if there is an infection that does not heal for a long time. Conversely, most HPV infections will go away, overcome by the immune system.
How to detect cervical cancer is the Pap smear method. Pop smear is a standard examination method to detect cervical cancer. However, the pap smear is not the only way that can be done to detect this
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