Acne is very frustrating, difficult for ngilanginnya BGT, but the use of natural ingredients seems more potent deh! After posting my previous tips, here are a few more tips for acne ngilangin. Want??
Acne Gone With Guava Leaf
It was known long ago that guava leaves can we use as medicine acne removal, but for those of you who did not know, these tips can be used as an alternative you loh! Want to know?? How >>> Take some guava leaves are still young, wash, then knead with your hands and give seikit water until frothy. Instigation of guava leaves the acne on your face, last rinse thoroughly with water.
Acne Gone With Guava Leaf
It was known long ago that guava leaves can we use as medicine acne removal, but for those of you who did not know, these tips can be used as an alternative you loh! Want to know?? How >>> Take some guava leaves are still young, wash, then knead with your hands and give seikit water until frothy. Instigation of guava leaves the acne on your face, last rinse thoroughly with water.