How to Prevent Cervical Cancer - Cancer fetal neck or better known as cervical cancer is a malignant tumor that grows and develops in a woman's cervix. This type of cancer is very dangerous for a woman because in addition can lead to infertility, cancer is also very deadly. Women are also very susceptible to this disease. It is very necessary would like women to know how to perform preventative precautions since this.
For that BLog PIB, will share information on how to prevent cervical cancer from the statement that we release an oncologist, Dr. Toto Imam Sp.OG (k) Onk. Here's How to prevent it conveys the Talk Show hosted by the Women's Health TNI.
Cause of Cervical Cancer:
Cervical cancer occurs because bacteria that Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)
Carcinoma cells
Marry or have sexual intercourse at a young age
Frequently changing sexual partners and have sex with men are frequently changing sexual partners
Not treating genital hygiene
A history of recurrent infections in the genital or pelvic inflammatory
Women who are giving birth
Women smokers have two times greater risk than women nonsmokers
Gejela Cervical Cancer:
Whitish or watery liquid smelling.
Bleeding outside the menstrual cycle
Bleeding after menopause
Often pain in the pelvic area
How to tell someone Exposure of Cervical Cancer:
To detect or discover cervical cancer early we can do a pap smear. Adaah pap smear examination of the cervix with an instrument called a speculum. This is done by an obstetrician or midwife. This function checks for the presence of HPV or cervical carcinoma cells causes the cancer.
This examination can be done at any time, except when she was menstruating. Pap smear should also be done once every 1 year by every woman who has had sexual seksual.Papsmear recommended that routine cervical cancer more quickly found and more than likely recover.
How to prevent cervical cancer:
For the prevention of cervical cancer can be done by:
Vaccination annually
Encourage husbands to use a condom during sexual intercourse.
Thus, information on how to prevent cervical cancer may be useful to add a dab of your knowledge. It is better to prevent than cure. Thank you.
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