There are several different types of breast cancer, that could develop in different parts of the breast. Breast cancer is often divided into two Parts.
1. Non-invasive Types
2. Invasive Types
Invasive Types : This type of breast cancer has the ability to spread outside the breast, although this does’t mean it necessarily spreads. This form of breast cancer is invasive Ductal breast cancer, which Create in the cells that line the ducts in the breast. Invasive ductal breast cancer accounts for about 80% of all cases of breast cancer and is also called ‘no special type’.
Non-invasive Types: This type of breast cancer is also known as cancer or pre-cancerous cells, or carcinoma . Non-invasive cancer is found in the ducts of the breast and has ‘t developed the ability to spread apart from the breast. Non-invasive types rarely shows as a lump in the breast and is usually found on a mammogram.
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